Traffic violations can have a significant impact on your auto insurance premiums. Insurance companies use your driving history to assess your risk as a driver, and violations such as speeding…
Legal and Regulatory Insights
Legal and Regulatory Insights
Penalties for Driving Without Insurance
by bhs-ahEditorby bhs-ahEditorDriving without insurance is a serious offense in many places, and the penalties can be severe. Auto insurance is required by law in most states to ensure that drivers have…
Legal and Regulatory Insights
The Role of Auto Insurance in Accident Lawsuits
by bhs-ahEditorby bhs-ahEditorAuto insurance plays a crucial role in accident lawsuits, both for those involved in the accident and for the legal process that follows. When an accident occurs, insurance coverage often…
Legal and Regulatory Insights
State-by-State Minimum Insurance Requirements
by bhs-ahEditorby bhs-ahEditorAuto insurance requirements vary significantly across the United States, with each state setting its own minimum coverage levels. These requirements are designed to ensure that drivers have a basic level…